Service Pro Code of Conduct

HouseAmp Inc.

HouseAmp Inc. (“HouseAmp”) is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and seeks to do business with partners who share these values.  We conduct our business transactions fairly, properly, and in good faith and expect the same from our partners.  Any conduct that fails to meet our standard of ethics, integrity, and responsible conduct may result in a partner’s reduction of opportunities.  An aggregate of customer feedback will be visible on the platform to job-seeking customers.
Your compliance with this commitment is a condition of your engagement with HouseAmp. Failure to comply with code of conduct may result in removal from the HouseAmp platform.

Code of Ethics
HouseAmp is committed to always acting with integrity, honesty and good faith in all areas. These principles define our corporate culture and are the basis of every activity in which we are involved. This Code of Ethics for Vendors and Service Providers defines and reaffirms these high standards. Each vendor and service provider is expected to adhere to the ethical principles and procedures set forth in this Code, and ensure that their employees, subcontractors, and agents also comply with its provisions.​

Compliance with the Code
It is your responsibility to adhere to the standards and requirements imposed by HouseAmp. Thus, a violation of a law, rule, regulation, or policy could also constitute a violation of this Code. This Code is part of HouseAmp’s compliance program and constitutes an important tool of its internal control structure.​

Ethical Business Decisions
Service Providers have the responsibility to serve HouseAmp, its directors, officers, employees, and clients while employing the highest standards of compliance and ethics. The following are general guidelines that will help you in complying with your responsibility:
- Always avoid any conflict of interest or even the impression of a possible conflict of interest.
- Always comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
- Act in good faith, responsibly, with due care, competence and diligence in your business transactions with HouseAmp.
- Protect the confidentiality and prevent the unauthorized disclosure of non-public information (whether material or not) about HouseAmp, its customers, suppliers and other third parties.
- Protect the tangible and intangible assets of HouseAmp at all times and use them only for legitimate business purposes.
- Never use or attempt to use your relationship with HouseAmp to obtain improper personal benefits.
- Report any conduct believed to be ethically questionable, a conflict of interest or a violation of law, including transactions or relationships that could reasonably be expected to give rise to such a violation.


Regulations and License Requirements
HouseAmp takes pride in working directly with Service Providers that are responsible for maintaining proper licensing and insurance applicable to the industry. We encourage contractors to provide HouseAmp customers with detailed agreements and work orders so that the chances of effectively managing expectations are maximized and fully transparent to the customer. Service Providers must maintain the appropriate amount of general liability insurance and workers' compensation while working with HouseAmp and are encouraged to screen employees or sub-contractors that may enter a customer's property to ensure customer safety.​

Fair Dealings
HouseAmp enjoys a history of success and an excellent reputation through honest competition and by not seeking competitive advantages through illegal or unethical business practices. HouseAmp’s Service Providers must deal fairly with HouseAmp customers, service providers, suppliers, business partners, competitors and employees, and may not take advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any unfair or illegal dealing practice.​

HouseAmp has always been recognized by its great professionalism and excellent reputation. HouseAmp’s ethical principles of integrity, honesty and good faith provide the foundation for our business practices and standards. We require our employees to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with our ethical principles and we expect the same from our Service Providers. This Code of Ethics for Service Providers defines and reaffirms these high standards and helps our Service Providers to fully understand HouseAmp’s commitment to complying with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to the engaged services. When Service Providers make a commitment to work with HouseAmp, they also commit to maintaining the standards, ethical business practices and compliance requirements stated in this Code of Ethics for Service Providers. Service Providers must assure that their actions and performance always reaffirm their commitment to this Code. We ask our Service Providers to share this Code with the individuals assigned to perform work for, or on behalf of, HouseAmp and expect their commitment to adequately train their employees on its requirements. We value our relationship with all of our Service Providers and expect you to follow our ethical business practices and to support effective ethics and compliance programs within your own organizations. We trust that you will be an integral part of our ever-growing ethical commitment. With your help and cooperation, we will be able to avoid unethical behavior and promote a respectful and positive environment in our workplace. We appreciate your commitment to making ethics and compliance a top priority as you work with HouseAmp.