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5 Kitchen Updates That Make a Huge Impact Without Breaking the Bank

These simple and affordable updates will give your kitchen the “wow” factor it needs without cleaning out your wallet and covering your house in a thick layer of construction dust.

Things to Fix in Your Home Before an Inspection

Keeping a home in good repair can pay significant dividends when it’s time to sell. Buyers want move-in ready homes, and real estate agents don't want their deal to fall apart.

Should You Renovate Before Selling Your Home?

Renovating your home before selling comes with a long list of benefits. If you are wanting to see a higher price tag and faster sale of your home, you should strongly consider renovating before selling.

Your Equity is Your Credit

You've probably heard that one of the benefits of owning a home is that you can build equity in it and tap into that equity to help pay for expenses. But what exactly is equity?

Why Seller Investments Are a Missed Opportunity

What is the best amount of money for a seller to invest in a property they are preparing to sell? Many might answer this question by saying $0.